Leak Adjustment

Easy and Convenient

Opening Times
Monday – Friday:
08:00am – 4:30pm
Our Location
P.O. Box 56
1119 W Spring Street Brownstown, IN 47220
Customer Service
Phone: (812) 358-3654
Leak Adjustment Request
Leak Adjustments approved by Jackson County Water Utility, INC can save a member 40% of leak and can include up to three consecutive months. Members can only take a leak adjustment if repairs have been made and member has had a true leak. Leak adjustments do not include filling of swimming pools or high usage. Only one leak adjustment every 5 years is allowed per membership.
Note: if you have a certification or receipt of who/whom make leak repairs please email to billing@jacksoncountywater.com or provide a copy to office staff.

I affirm under the penalty of perjury that I (Member) have repaired the leak at the address stated above and have not had a leak adjustment on any prior accounts in the last 5 years.